Don’t Take It Too Seriously
Happy Wednesday!
I hope everyone here in Maryland is as excited as I am for the warm weather that is coming our way. My husband just shared with me that we have not had two consecutive days of over 80 degree weather since September and this hasn’t happened in over 50 years or something. What?!! That is just craziness. Needless to say, I am super psyched for warmer days ahead. I guess I should wax my legs soon and paint my toes. Too much information??? Nah, it’s an esthi blog. It’s never TMI in my world!
RFE Update
I am keeping myself busy practicing GuaSha at home, learning new ingredients, researching new things in the skincare world, and making sure I am well stocked with products. Thank you to those of you who have supported my business with your purchases over the past two months. I am so incredibly grateful!!
The Mother’s Day skincare gift baskets were a huge hit! Please keep them in mind for future gift giving—whether it is for the holidays, a birthday, or even a thank you. You can email me and let me know what your budget is and the skin type the basket should be geared towards. If you are local, you can do curbside pick-up. If not, I can ship to wherever you need me to.
My Own Skincare Woes
I have to divulge that my skin has not been cooperating lately. Does anyone else feel me on this one? I think between indulging in sweets (I am currently munching on caramel popcorn as I type this....huh?!), dealing with more stress than I am willing to admit, and testing out a lot of products—my skin is revolting, a bit.
SO, I need to remind myself of all of the things I tell me clients. (I do have a big glass of water next to me too, don’t fret.) I am really trying to get back to my healthy routines and stop testing out too many products. Only the BEST for YOU, though! I just had to share this so that you know I am human. Yes, I actually get breakouts and deal with issues with my skin—even as an esthetician.
Random Rachel
I have had a bit more time to really pay attention to the details lately. I am asking more questions and trying to take the time to really listen to the answers. I thought sharing some details of my life might give you some insight and I would love to hear from you about the things that maybe I wouldn’t know already. This is just meant to make you smile or laugh. That is what we need more of right now, in my eyes.
I grew up in a small town in upstate New York. Our two big claims to fame are that the 25th anniversary of the Woodstock music celebration was in my town and that Jimmy Fallon grew up there, as well. He was just as hilarious then, as he is now. I love Frank Sinatra and have since I was in college. I could listen to his records (yes, I have a record player) all day long.
I learned how to captain a 50 foot sailboat when I was 24 years old and then after moving to Maryland, (Baltimore) I taught children how to sail, in the harbor, for one summer and actually kept everyone afloat! I also painted a mural through the same job, on a building in Baltimore, with 30 students. That was a challenge and something I am really proud of.
I spent a semester in London, my sophomore year of college. It was one of the best experiences of my life. I went to college and I have my Bachelor’s degree in Human Development. I was a nanny for one year and loved it. I cooked three dinners a week for this family and I was only 21 and straight out of was sink or swim!! They were kind and I learned so much. I played softball (I was a catcher!) for 10 years and it was a huge part of my life. Playing a team sport teaches you so many lessons, no matter which one.
Art has always been a passion of mine. It was my focus in high school and I took quite a few painting and drawing classes in college. This is something I am trying to dive back into. So there you have it. Just some random tidbits to share and hopefully make you chuckle or learn something new about me, that you did not know already.
Here is a quote that I recently came across by Oscar Wilde that made me smile -
“Life is too important to be taken seriously.”
Try to not take things too seriously right now.
With so much gratitude,