Look For The Little Things
Hello again!
Doing my weekly check in. Isn’t it a little wild how it sort of feels like time is standing still, but when you look around, the flowers are still blooming, grass is growing, and life is still moving right along? It helps me to see these little things, so that I am reminded that this too shall pass and we will be able to pick back up where we left off. Perhaps even in a slightly better way—a little slower pace, less anxious, more aware, and grateful for the little things...
RFE Update
To my clients—I must extend a gigantic thank you, like a major virtual hug, for all of the support you have shown me. Your texts, emails, gift card, and product purchases have brought a smile to my face and warmed my heart. The support I am feeling from you is appreciated more than you will ever know. Please, please know that I am here to support you, in any way possible. Never hesitate to reach out to me via email or call/text me at 410-812-3858.
As far as products go, ALL of my RFE products will be back on my “virtual shelves” by the end of April. I received a fresh batch of Dawn Lorraine products last week, so those are ready to go! A favorite, this time of year and all year round, is the Citrus Radiance Creme.
The smell is amazing, it’s the perfect “weight” (not too heavy, but not too light), it can be used day and night, and it’s chock full of Vitamin C, which is the powerhouse ingredient that all skin types and all ages should have in their daily regimen. One of my closest friends calls it her “face crack,” which always makes me chuckle. She says she always notices a difference in her skin if she, lord for bid, runs out of it!
As far as new products go, I just received my incredible box of yummy CBD skincare products today, so I will report back on that next week. I am writing this with one of the masks on now...so fantastic!!
I also am hoping to have that shipment of sun care products in the next 2 days, so be on the lookout for those to launch no later than this weekend. They will go fast! While we are on the topic of shipments - I need to give HUGE thank you to our postal and delivery workers. I would not be able to run my business from afar without them. I am so grateful for their hard work- now, and all year round.
And don't forget to use the code SELFCARE to get 10% OFF all products and that you will get FREE shipping on orders over $75!
The Little Things
One of my favorite things lately is seeing little notes, sayings, or messages inside of packaging—where you least expect it. Actually, one of the many things that I love about the new sun care line I am bringing in is that they have little messages inside of the lid of every box. Love. This.
Another random place I noticed one, and this might be “TMI”, but remember, I am an esthetician so nothing is really “TMI” in my world. Anyway—I bought a new pack of personal products and when I went to open it, it had a little message on it saying, “You’ve got this. Everything is going to be okay.” It’s exactly what I needed to hear. How did they know??
Then there are my favorite—Dove chocolates. Their little messages are always keepers. I have often thought of saving them to create some sort of crazy collage, but that might be a bit overboard. Yes, I do eat that much Dove chocolate that could create a collage....remember, no judgement. Those of you that come to my space know I ALWAYS have a stash.
Of course the tea tags on my favorite Yogi Tea are always ones that make you ponder life, a bit, and warm your heart.
These little message or notes help to keep me on track. Make me smile. Laugh. This may seem silly to mention, but to me they are the subtle reminders that the little things truly are the big things.
In times like this, we should all be aware of them and take notice. Maybe it’s the little things you can do for someone right now, like send them a handwritten note or card (gasp) or pick up the phone and call someone that you haven’t spoken to in a while. They are home and they have the extra time right now, so take advantage of this!
Take that extra 5 minutes to sit and listen to your child tell you the same story you have heard a thousand times before. Check in on a neighbor—from six feet always or more, of course—just to make sure they have what they need and that they know you are there for them.
It’s the little things......take notice of them…and maybe do a few of them too.
With so much gratitude,
P.S. Since I know you all are tweezing your brows by now, would anyone be interested in a tutorial on best practices? Email me and let me know!