Recognizing The Body-Skin Connection
Happy Wednesday!
I hope you are well. For those of you that are local, I hope that you have enjoyed some of the few things that are now open for business. I know the town of Mount Airy is over the moon about Home Goods being open! :)
RFE Update
I am SUPER excited about some of the new products ideas I have brewing for Rachel Ferraro Esthetics. I know there were a lot of fans of the Refine Mask and you will be excited to know that I am re-launching it in the next few weeks!! It will look a bit different, as far as packaging goes, but it will feel, smell, and work just as fantastic as it was before. Actually, it’s even BETTER!!
I also have other product ideas in the works to expand my offerings, but I would love to know what things you would like to see added. Please feel free to email me with any ideas!
The Body Skin Connection
My 5-year old’s favorite book is about the body and she would ask to read it every night, if we let her. It gives the ins and outs of how organs, muscles, tissue, nerves, etc. all work together, without us even acknowledging or being aware, to keep our bodies moving along, every day. I have honestly learned so much, reading this book with her.
It’s been a hot minute since I took a biology class and let’s be honest, unless you are in the medical field, these are not things we think or talk about regularly. It is mind-blowing that we can run ourselves ragged, make poor food choices, and hold onto emotionally toxic feelings (which can be just as harmful as the others) and our bodies just keep. On. Going.
Our skin is a direct reflection of all that is going on in the body. It is basically a road map that gives directions to what is happening on the inside. There is so much literature out there that discusses which parts of the face correlate with the different parts of the body. This is fascinating to me.
One example is that if you notice irritation/dryness on the eyelids, it is said that your kidneys are being depleted or taxed in some way—that perhaps you are sleep deprived and not allowing your kidneys to rest. That also correlates to dark circles around the eyes, as well.
Another is that often times when you see breakout on the forehead and cheeks, it is related to the small and large intestines. Those are the areas I have seen the biggest flare ups these past two months, which makes sense because my regular eating habits have definitely been altered—and not for the better!
So the next time you see a rash, breakout, or dry patches, put some thought into what might be going on internally—whether it is emotional or physical. More often than not, there is a direct correlation.
One Last Note
This may seem unrelated, but I recently heard something from the woman I work out with through YouTube. She said one of her clients started doing something 5 years ago that has changed her day immensely. Every morning, immediately after waking up, she makes herself smile and say “good morning” to herself. Think about the mental and physical changes you can make, every morning, to your mind and body, if you did that one small thing. Just food for thought.
As always, thank you for reading.
With so much gratitude,